Applications for ship time require the submission of cruise proposals. When compiling a cruise proposal, applicants must account for a lead time until realization of one to four years, depending on the size of the vessel. Furthermore, for logistical reasons, the research vessels have specific large-scale working areas, which must also be considered in the planning. If funding for the implementation and initial evaluation of the cruise is to be applied for, a DFG grant proposal must be submitted in the current call for proposals of the SPP 2520 “Research Vessels” as well as a corresponding core cruise proposal.
For detailed instructions on compiling research cruise proposals are in the Cruise Proposal Preparation Instructions..
Cruise proposals are submitted via the DFG's elan portal. Proposals within the framework of SPP 2520 must be submitted in the “Priority Programmes” section, the corresponding core cruise proposals and also regular cruise proposals in the “Cruise Proposals for Research Vessels (GPF Procedure)” section.
Please note that using the elan Portal requires a one-time registration, which must first be confirmed by the DFG. Confirmation usually takes place within 24 hours on weekdays. No new registrations can be processed on weekends.
Users of the research vessels who are already registered in the elan Portal for other purposes can use their existing account and do not have to register again.
The meetings of the Review Panel German Research Vessels (GPF) take place every six months in May and November. Proposals within the framework of SPP 2520 are only reviewed at the May meeting. If you would like a regular cruise proposal to be considered at a specific meeting of the GPF, please note the following submission deadlines:
Meeting date | Submission of a regular cruise proposal at latest by |
Annual GPF meeting in May | December 31 of the preceding year |
Annual GPF meeting in November | June 30 of the same year |
Slightly different deadlines may apply to applications within the framework of SPP 2520, which can be found in the current call for proposals.
All proponents are kindly requested to utilize the flexible year-round standing open call for regular cruise proposals, or the full call period in the second half of each year for the submission of SPP 2520 proposals, respectively, and to submit, if feasible, completed cruise proposals also distinctly earlier than at the latest submission dates listed above.